Linux Process Signal

Linux Process Signal


Session和process group

  • process是OS邏輯排程執行的基本單位。為了管理process,OS會將process分組管理,**session和process group (PG)**就是process群組的單位。一個session可包含多個process group,一個process group可以包含多個process。session/PG有以下性質:
    • 每個session/PG都會有一個leader,通常是該群集中第一個process
    • 每個session/PG都會有一個id,由該群集中第一個process的PID決定
    • 每個session可以配給一個terminal
    • 一個session中,terminal會被attach到其中一個process group
    • 被attach terminal的process group給名詞叫foreground process group
    • 其他的對應為background process group

      Shell如何配置session和process group

  • 在shell中,每次登入都會由shell process開一個session。每行指令都會是一個process group。
  • 在shell中,foreground/backend process group可以用bg/fg/jobs指令管理切換。


  • 訊號/信號是Unix、類Unix以及其他POSIX相容的作業系統中行程間通訊的一種有限制的方式
  • 它是一種異步的通知機制,用來提醒行程一個事件已經發生
  • 當一個訊號傳送給一個行程,作業系統中斷了行程正常的控制流程,此時,任何非原子操作都將被中斷。


  • a generic signal used to cause program termination.
  • Unlike SIGKILL, this signal can be blocked, handled, and ignored.
  • It is the normal way to politely ask a program to terminate.
  • The shell command kill generates SIGTERM by default.

SIGINT (“program interrupt”)

  • is sent when the user types the INTR character (normally C-c).


  • similar to SIGINT, except that it’s controlled by a different key—the QUIT character, usually C-\
  • produces a core dump when it terminates the process, just like a program error signal.
  • You can think of this as a program error condition “detected” by the user.
    • Certain kinds of cleanups are best omitted in handling SIGQUIT.
      • For example, if the program creates temporary files, it should handle the other termination requests by deleting the temporary files.
      • But it is better for SIGQUIT not to delete them, so that the user can examine them in conjunction with the core dump.


  • cause immediate program termination.
  • It cannot be handled or ignored, and is therefore always fatal.
  • It is also not possible to block this signal.
  • This signal is usually generated only by explicit request. Since it cannot be handled, you should generate it only as a last resort, after first trying a less drastic method such as C-c or SIGTERM. If a process does not respond to any other termination signals, sending it a SIGKILL signal will almost always cause it to go away.
  • In fact, if SIGKILL fails to terminate a process, that by itself constitutes an operating system bug which you should report.
  • The system will generate SIGKILL for a process itself under some unusual conditions where the program cannot possibly continue to run (even to run a signal handler).

SIGHUP (“hang-up”)

  • is used to report that the user’s terminal is disconnected, perhaps because a network or telephone connection was broken.
    • This signal is also used to report the termination of the controlling process on a terminal to jobs associated with that session
    • this termination effectively disconnects all processes in the session from the controlling terminal. For more information


  • 應用程序可能是multiprocessing架構,要終止此應用需kill這個應用程序所有的process。在這個例子,我們需要發送一個終止訊號給此應用程序所有process所屬的process group以終止應用
  • 在Linux實際上就是這樣運作的,當用戶按下ctrl+C,SIGINT會送給foreground process group,也就是其中每個process,包含parent和childern都會收到此訊號。
  • 另一個例子是user logout。當用戶登出系統,shell會發送SIGHUP給此shell發起的session中的所有process,在預設狀況下這些process就會終止。
