In most GNU/Linux systems (all of those I personally have used, at least), core dump files generated after an uncaught signal in a process (as a SIGSEGV or SIGQUIT), are generated in the base directory where the program was executed, and named as “core” or “core.PID”.
For example:
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$> cd /home/user
$> ulimit -c unlimited $> kill -s SIGSEGV $$
ulimit -c:用來看core dump寫入的容量限制
Ubuntu 預設為 ulimit -c 0,表示不產生 core dump
This will trigger a segmentation fault in your current shell (you probably guessed it after seeing that the shell session where you executed it was closed), and generate a core file in: /home/user/core
the kernel configuration includes a file named “core_pattern”
Here is a small list of possible variables
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%p: pid %<NUL>: '%' is dropped %%: output one '%' %u: uid %g: gid %s: signal number %t: UNIX time of dump %h: hostname %e: executable filename %<OTHER>: both are dropped
core pattern 可以是 “|PROGRAM”, 這樣會將 core dump 導到 PROGRAM 的標準輸入, 可以自己寫 PROGRAM 做控制
需要特別注意的是, | 和 PROGRAM 之間不可以有空白。
$ pstack ${core_file} > pstack.out
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gdb <executable> <core-file> # or gdb <executable> -c <core-file> or # or gdb <executable> ... (gdb) core <core-file>
首先先找到當時 core dump 出來的 core 檔案 ( 跟執行的binary 同資料夾 )
11781124 11月 27日 17:23 core
接下來用 gdb 來看這個 core file
gdb executefile core
舉例來說 我有一個叫 Close 的程式執行的時後會發生 core dump,就這樣做
gdb Close core
要同時放入 程式的執行檔 和 core file
trace stack
process the core file
check timestamp of the failure
check the active threads at the time of the failure