Terminal Shortcut

Terminal shortcut

CLI shortcut


Keyboard sequence Action
Ctrl+b Move the cursor back one character.
Esc+b or Alt+b Move the cursor back one word.
Ctrl+f Move the cursor forward one character.
Esc+f or Alt+f Move the cursor forward one word.
Ctrl+a Move the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
Ctrl+e Move the cursor to the end of the command line.


Keyboard sequence Action
Ctrl+h, Delete, or Backspace Delete the character before the cursor.
Ctrl+d Delete the character at the cursor.
Ctrl+k Delete the all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line, and save it in the cut buffer.
Ctrl+u or Ctrl+x Delete the all characters from the command line, and save it in the cut buffer.
Ctrl+w, Esc+Backspace, or Alt+Backspace Delete the word before the cursor.
Esc+d or Alt+d Delete the word after the cursor.


Keyboard sequence Action
Ctrl+y Insert the most recently deleted text at the cursor.


Keyboard sequence Action
Ctrl+l Redraw the current line.
Ctrl+p, Esc-P, Up arrow Scroll backward through the list of recently executed commands.
Ctrl+n, Esc-N, Down arrow Scroll forward through the list of recently executed commands.
Ctrl+r Search the CLI history incrementally in reverse order for lines matching the search string.
Esc+/ or Alt+/ Search the CLI history for words for which the current word is a prefix.
Esc+. or Alt+ Scroll backward through the list of recently entered words in a command line.
Esc+number sequence or Alt+number sequence Specify the number of times to execute a keyboard sequence.
